Updated: Both the Geology Tour and Short Course have been cancelled due to insufficient interest.
Short Course 1: Kingston Geology Tour
The Kingston area offers opportunities to examine a wide range of geological environments, ranging from high grade rocks of the Grenville Province to recent glacial deposits. We’ll spend a relaxed day seeing some key outcrops showing interesting 3D relationships, catch some tourist sites in between, and end with a relaxed discussion at a local brewery. The tour will be aimed at the full spectrum of novice to expert geologists and the full range of interests from fossils to foliations. Sensible shoes and comfortable clothing are all that is required.
Practical information:
Please bring appropriate footwear, comfortable clothing and sun protection.
Course holders: Rob Harrap
Time: 09:00-17:00
Location: Meet in front of Miller Hall,36 Union St W, Queen's University
Short Course 2: Remote Sensing in Geohazard Management
Modern close range and satellite remote sensing and imaging technologies are progressing into state of practice in geotechnical engineering and geohazard management. This course will introduce and explain the fundamentals of terrestrial laser scanning, photogrammetry, oblique aerial photogrammetry (multiple platforms), airborne laser scanning, multibeam SONAR, and InSAR. Advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and optimal use of the technologies will be discussed as well as how the data can be best used for hazard assessment. Case studies will be examined from both the transportation and the mining industry.
Practical information:
Participants should bring their own laptop computers if possible (or be prepared to work together on practical components).
Course holder: Dr Matt Lato, Dr Jean Hutchinson, Dr Ryan Kromer, Dr Dave Gauthier
Time: 09:00-17:00
Location: Miller Hall room 201,Miller Hall,36 Union St W, Queen's University
Please note that short courses are only available for VGC 2018 participants.