IQmulus Workshop


VGC 2016 will play host to the third (and final) IQmulus Workshop on 21st September. IQmulus is an ongoing Integrating Project (IP), partially funded by the European Commission (2012-2016), and comprising 12 partners from 7 countries in Europe. IQmulus focuses on developing a point cloud handling platform that provides the needed functionalities to integrate latest research results in data processing and visualization to tackle important real-life challenges in geospatial applications. The workshop will allow participants to present their latest findings. An agenda is provisionally published here.


Location: Room 4A10b (4th floor) Realfagbygget (Natural Science Building), Allégaten 41, University of Bergen/Uni Research.

Time: 11:30-18:00

More information about the IQmulus workshop, along with separate registration link, is available here.



A great thanks to our sponsor for supporting us!