Other Miscellaneous Publications
KURZ, T.H. and BUCKLEY, S.J., 2017. Spectral Imaging Cameras: A Review of Key Specifications. Engineering Surveying Showcase, 2017(2): 10-11.
BUCKLEY, S.J., NAUMANN, N., KURZ, T.H. and EIDE, C.H., 2016. 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference, Proceedings Volume. Uni Research AS, Bergen, 212 pages, ISBN 978-82-8361-004-8.
Frontispiece: Image integration in geology. Photogrammetric Record, 29: 2–3. doi:10.1111/phor.12051.
Buckley, S.J., 2013. Reaching the masses: Photogrammetry is fashionable again. Sensed, 48(2): 8-9.
Buckley, S.J. and Kurz, T.H., 2012. Combined lidar scanning and hyperspectral imaging of the Effingen Member in the Jakobsberg Quarry, NAGRA Aktennotiz AN 12-071, 23 pages.
Kurz, T.H. and Buckley, S.J., 2012. VA Experiment: Combined lidar scanning and hyperspectral imaging of the Opalinus Clay in the Mont Terri underground rock laboratory, Mont Terri Project Technical Note TN 2012-37, 34 pages.
Howell, J., Buckley, S, Carlsson, C., Enge, H., and Knudsen, T., 2011. Multi-scale, fluvial to shallow reservoir analogues, from outcrop to flow simulation: a virtual field trip to eastern Utah. Virtual fieldtrip in Vining, B.A. and Pickering, S. C. (eds), Petroleum Geology: From Mature Basins to New Frontiers – Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference, The Geological Society, London. Vol 7, on DVD.
Sima, A., 2011. ISPRS Commission III Symposium: Photogrammetric Computer Vision 2010. Photogrammetric Record, 26(133): 133–135. doi:10.1111/j.1477-9730.2011.00628.x.
Howell, J., Laser scanning, virtual outcrops and analogue reservoir modelling. Lecture to Aberdeen Geological Society, Aberdeen, UK, 04.11.2010.
Buckley, S.J., Post i Rundtur i forskningens verktøykasse, Forskningsdagene 2010, http://org.uib.no/cipr/Project/VOG/news_archive.htm.
Anon, 2010. ESRI 2010 Petroleum User Group, Houston. Oil Information Technology Journal, 15(4): 5.
Buckley, S. J., 2010. Laser Scanning for the Environmental Sciences, Book Review. The Photogrammetric Record, 25(129): 84-85. doi:10.1111/j.1477-9730.2009.00562_1.x.
Richter, N., 2010. The SAFARI geodatabase: Exploring geological outcrop analogues for reservoir modeling. ESRI ArcGIS Explorer Blog, 05.03.2010, http://blogs.esri.com/info/blogs/arcgisexplorerblog/archive/2010/03/05/the-safari-geodatabase-exploring-geological-outcrop-analogues-for-reservoir-modeling.aspx.
Kurz, T.H. and Buckley, S.J., 2009. Hyperspectral scanning in the Basque-Cantabrian Mountains hydrothermal dolomites, Spain. Technical Report to Statoil, 10 pages.
Newby, P.R.T., Aplin, P., Buckley, S.J., Chandler, J.H., Drummond, J.E., Holland, D.A., Lavender, S.J., Miller, P.E., Mills, J.P., Mills, H., Walker, A.S. and Woodsford, P.A., 2009. XXIst International Congress of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Photogrammetric Record, 24(125): 66-102. doi:10.1111/j.1477-9730.2009.00526.x.
Schwarz, E., Buckley, S.J., Terlaky, V., Howell, J.A. and Arnott, R.W.C., 2008. Virtual Outcrops and Geocellular Models of the Windermere Turbidite System, Southern Canadian Cordillera. Reservoir, monthly magazine of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geology, 35(11), p. 25-30.